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Scorpio is one of the most complex signs of the Western Zodiac. That’s because there are many seeming contradictions to Scorpios that are difficult for others to understand. This comes as no surprise to Scorpios as they often have a hard time figuring themselves out. This is the sign of the old soul, the hermit, but also the practical and resourceful worker. Scorpios don’t trust others easily and have a hard time showing their feelings to others until they are nearly certain that their desired secrecy will be honored. Secrecy, especially of emotions, is a hallmark of this sign. Scorpios bury their problems deep within themselves, so deep that they hope they will never resurface again.

Scorpios live life their own way, by their own rules. They are extremely intelligent and have a strong intuition to boot, though it is easy for them to become paranoid and take comments and actions from others personally when they were not intended that way. It is very important for Scorpios to be respected, and they are willing to manipulate people and situations in order to exercise their power. At the same time, they dislike playing social “games” with others and have little respect for those who do.

Those sharing the sign of Scorpio may notice in themselves a tendency to spend a lot of time alone. Indeed, this is not the most social of signs, though this can be offset by a social strength within their Chinese Zodiac Sign or by a strong aspect in their birth chart. The following Primal Zodiac signs contain elements of Scorpio.


Scorpios born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Dog are represented in Primal Astrology by the Octopus. The Dog eases up Scorpio’s skepticism about the human race while adding to its loyalty and emotional depth. Octopuses are usually loners and like taking time to figure out how best to approach challenges, but they are also prone to depression and escapism.


Scorpios born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Dragon are represented in Primal Astrology by the Jaguar. Jaguars are strong, intense, and full of confidence. The Dragon enhances Scorpio’s drive to succeed and passion for perfection, which works both for and against Jaguars. This combination creates exceptionally powerful personalities that can even scare others away if not kept in check.


Scorpios born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Horse are represented in Primal Astrology by the Dragonfly. Dragonflies are more energetic and outgoing than most other Scorpios. The Horse adds a witty sense of humor that opens Scorpio up to others, but also a quick temper and a need to be the center of attention, which doesn’t suit Scorpio at all. Dragonflies are powerful individuals whose biggest obstacle in life is themselves.


Scorpios born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Monkey are represented in Primal Astrology by the Raven. Ravens are incredibly intelligent and innovative. Scorpio and the Monkey have so little in common that this combination should be a disaster, yet it works because both signs complement the other’s weaknesses. One of the most complex signs, Ravens usually get a quick start to life intellectually and may even be considered geniuses by many.


Scorpios born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Ox are represented in Primal Astrology by the Platypus. This incredibly complex sign keeps the complexity mostly internal. The Ox enhances Scorpio’s tireless quest for greatness in so many ways I can’t list them all. Yet, there is a strong tendency for Platypuses to live entirely in their own little worlds, rarely letting others for fear of being what they most often are - misunderstood.


Scorpios born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Pig are represented in Primal Astrology by the Squid. The Pig brings a loving and caring side to Scorpio who also benefits from Pig’s determination and confidence. Squids dislike arguing because they are always right but nobody else is smart enough to realize it. Scorpio will try to keep its tough side up, but the Pig will be breaking down the wall as it’s being built.


Scorpios born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Rabbit are represented in Primal Astrology by the Koala. Rabbit is just as much of a loner as Scorpio, but brings with it an appreciation for elegance and beauty to balance out Scorpio’s appreciation for power. A master manipulator, Koalas have a much easier time telling others what they want to hear than they do creating their own happiness.


Scorpios born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Rat are represented in Primal Astrology by the Anaconda. Powerful, resourceful, and perceptive, nothing gets past an Anaconda except that which they allow to pass them. The Rat enhances Scorpio’s survival instincts and superb observational skills, but also brings a nervous energy to the mix. Luckily rats are funny and expressive, which complement Scorpio perfectly.


Scorpios born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Rooster are represented in Primal Astrology by the Owl. Determined, hard working, and confident, Owls are one of the most observant signs in the Primal Zodiac. Scorpio and the Rooster have a lot of the same strengths, but it’s Rooster’s ability to express itself that Scorpio values most, though Rooster’s arrogance can get Owls into lots of trouble.


Scorpios born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Sheep are represented in Primal Astrology by the Panda. The Sheep brings a charming and artistic side to Pandas while enhancing Scorpio’s love of getting lost in its own thoughts. Though highly contradictory, both Scorpio and Sheep complement the others weaknesses well. Pandas have the capability of becoming well balanced, if they can figure out how to get there.


Scorpios born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Snake are represented in Primal Astrology by the Anglerfish. The Snake is not overly fond of Scorpio’s obsession with achievement, but it agrees that gaining power through manipulation is one of the Anglerfish’s greatest assets. The Snake also brings with it a seductive sense of charm and mystery that can only help Anglerfish accomplish their goals.


Scorpios born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Tiger are represented in Primal Astrology by the Honey Badger. As the saying goes, Honey Badgers don’t take no $#!% from nobody. The rebellious and strong-willed Tiger is bound to get Scorpio into trouble, but it’s Tiger’s passion and love of life that make these two such a powerful combination. Honey Badgers are impatient and intense and potentially obsessive, but nobody can stop them once they decide to do something.

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